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Permission to Rest: Living in Flow with the Winter Season

If you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, overbooked or just a little cranky these days despite the joy & excitement of the holiday season, you are not alone. Just as mother nature is trying to give us permission to slow down, our culture has cranked up the volume on “doing” all of the things to get ready for the holidays! Its hard. I’d like to share a little more about the energetics of the season and offer a few tools for taking care of yourself through it all.

The acupuncture and herbal medicine therapy that I practice is rooted in eastern medicine and which acknowledges the fact that humans are a part of a larger, living biosphere and that our bodies are a reflection of nature and vice-versa. The more we stay connected to the flow of the natural world, the more well-being we experience in body, mind and spirit.

It makes so much sense that when we are living our daily lives out of sync with the energy of the natural world around us, we feel worse- either emotionally or physically. Is it any wonder that we are more prone to illness during this time of year when we are taking on more responsibilities rather than slowing down our day to day rhythm?

How exactly is nature showing us it is time to slow down?  Well, if we were to take a few moments to connect with the outdoors right now, here in Florida, what would we find?

We might take a deep breath in the morning and feel cooler, drier air fill the nasal passages and lungs. Our lips might be more dry and chapped. We would see trees that have lost their leaves and grasses drying up in yards or on the side of the roads. We would hear the chirping return of migratory birds returning from up north. We notice it is getting dark earlier and our desire to curl up and shutdown for the day is now kicking in earlier and earlier in the evening. If we pay more attention, we would notice that the natural world has shed what it no longer needs for winter and is preparing to rest for the winter season.

So what can we do?

Start with some self-compassion. If you notice that you are hustling more than you’d like to and feeling overwhelmed, try to first, give yourself a break. It is really hard to avoid getting caught up in the expectations of hustle culture!

Next, I invite you to take a good, honest look over that “to do” list.  I would bet there are items on there that you could delegate, ask for help with or just plain get rid of. See where you can create some space in your days to rest. Even just for 10 minutes here and there! Part of the beauty of slowing down a bit is getting able to see what really matters in life. What really matters this season?  Start to notice where are the expectations that we do all of the things this time of year coming from? Do you really need to run to town to get that one item you forgot or can you just leave it and instead spend some time catching your breath, playing with your pets, being present with family members? Do you really have it in you to show up for one more gathering right now, or would it feel better to rest at home instead?

Third, breathe. I’m not talking about starting a brand new meditation practice right now. I’m talking about take 3 deep breaths after you put the car in park at the grocery store. When you get back in the car with groceries, take 3 more deep breaths. Notice that when we rush and hustle, our breathing becomes more shallow and we feel more tense. This is because we are living in the future just trying to get it all done. Taking 3 breaths between daily errands and tasks at home sends a loving message to your nervous system to pause, relax and come back to the present moment.  It is a small, but powerful way you can practice slowing down right now.

And of course, acupuncture, massage and yoga are other wonderful ways to support slowing down and getting quiet in your mind and body this time of year.

My invitation to you is to notice the ways you resist or accept that permission to slow down, rest and reflect, with compassion. Our cultural forces are strong, but nature continues to show us how to care for our whole self this season.

Winter is officially around the corner and nature is offering us all permission to slow down, rest and recover from the year.  This is the season where we get quiet and reflect on how we are doing as an individual, a family and a society.  Spring will bring its season of growth soon enough… lets embrace the slow down while nature is showing us the way!